Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Auction highlights

I went to a silent auction last night at my nieces high school. The junior class has one each year to raise money for activities and things. The students go around weeks before and cajole, beg and guilt parents and local businesses into donating stuff for the auction. I figured we'd bid on some T shirts or used books, something I could always use, But Noooo, there were Flyers hockey tickets, Phillies tickets, signed baseballs, Jimmy Buffett tickets!. Touch screen Ipod, vacation condos, limousine services, spas and the like. Jeez. (crotchety old man voice), "When I was in high school, we sold candy bars, magazines and stuff we made outa popsicle sticks." I spent thirty dollars or so on tickets and didn't get anything and wasn't ready to part with $200 for Buffett tickets. Needless to say, this isn't an underprivileged and impoverished school district. But they did raise a shitload of money.


  1. Sheesh! What kind of activities are they raising funds for??? Scuba diving weekends in Barbados? Skiing jaunts in Switzerland? Barbra Streisand concerts?

    Actually, I'm surprised those things weren't on the auction list

  2. Why are they silent? Is there no speaking during this time? Is it like being at the library? I am all about auctions but I don't want no fancy smancy shit. Gimme an auction where Granny cleaned out her garage.....imagine the crap that you could find.


  3. G.I..Prom stuff, trips, you're not that far off really. They raised 4600.00.

    sista girl, a silent auction is the more gentrified and proper auction prefered by non-profits. It allows people to party and spend without some guy going "nammma-amma one dollah, do I hear two, two dollah dollah dollah nammma ammma.....
